The objectives aimed by Agora International School are fulfilled by covering a complete school program which includes, besides the compulsory educational program (set in the national curriculum), support for activities of thoroughness/development on areas of learning, four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and two snacks), optional courses for the cultivation and the development of individual abilities, to develop individual skills, extracurricular activities.
Foreign languages at high quality standards
The importance that Agora International School gives to the intensive learning of English language is reflected in the number of study hours, in the professional quality of those who teach and in the methods and resources that are used. By teaching foreign languages – English, French, German, Italian – our aim is to develop pupils’ capabilities to adapt to different multicultural contexts.
Individualized education concentred on pupil
We apply the theory of multiple intelligences, practiced with great results in the most prestigious education institutions from abroad. In this way, we improve the individual potential of all pupils, we identify their profile of intelligence, and we can lead them to those professional domains in which each of them can be successful.
Art and knowledge clubs have as their prime objective to offer children an opportunity to identify their talents and passions and to practice their skills in such a way as to develop themselves using all types of intelligence. Pupils who have identified those areas for which they have a talent and a special passion have the opportunity to explore them profoundly and to reach the levels of performance.
Practice of movement and sport are fundamental components of Agora’s curriculum, with a key role in the development of children. From our point of view, sport is not only a source of health, but also an important means of development, self-knowledge, self-confidence and encouragement both of the spirit of competition, as well as the team spirit.