Agora is a community that promotes excellence in education by forming harmonious, creative, powerful and successful personalities.
Agora is a cultural and civic center, designed to contribute to the forming and disseminating the values of national and universal culture.
The culture of Agora Community is based on democracy, trans-subjects, openness toward new and towards outwards, contributing to the community’s efforts to raise the level of culture and civilization of its members, providing community specialists of high professional, moral and civic attitude.
Concerned about the creation of a spirit and a specific educational emulation, Agora International School aims to provide pupils the necessary means to organize some services after the model of western schools: counseling services, an opportunity to participate in cultural and sport activities, organizing cultural-artistic events set up by and for the pupils.
Through this type of events, Agora educational community wishes to inspire passion and appraisal of culture to pupils and to support those who are gifted.
In 2002, Agora Foundation from Oradea established “Agora Artistic Group”, a band of artists made up from university’s students working under the direction of a director from the State Theater Oradea and a professor of singing from Scoala Populara de Arta Oradea. This student band is present in the shows that are marking festive graduations, the openings of the academic year and other student events of Agora University.
Pupils of Agora International School participate actively in the activities of Agora Artistic Group.Pupils are also encouraged to participate in the sports association’s events within the foundation, called “Agora Sport Club”. Within the association, chess, martial arts and badminton divisions are functioning. The association participated with sports accredited in the chess division, beginning with 2004 to the present, in numerous national and international competitions, both at male and female categories, as well as in junior category.
The chess division’s objectives consist in promoting the “mind game” among all social strata, regardless of age, by creating an opportunity of facile access to the initiation in playing this game and to develop those skills which allow carrying out an activity of performance.
These objectives are pursued by all the actions carried out and in particular by successful participation in international and national competitions, as well as by organizing tours to stimulate the spirit of competition and fair-play.
Presently, at UASC, chess division, 22 players are registered, of which 15 are seniors, three components of female team and 4 juniors. Among the performances with which the chess division boasts about include: participation in national championships for juniors, accession in first division, numerous medals obtained on national and international level.
Starting with 2004, UASC stands out through the chess tour organization entitled the “Agora Cup” to which great national and international masters participate. In 2006, the tour was supported by the Bihor County Department for Youth and Sports and the Chess Association Bihor, being included in the network of the most powerful tours in the country, brought together under the name of Romania’s Grand Prix to quick chess.
International Open of quick chess was a very successful, echoed both in the local and national mass-media. Of the 78 participants, have been noticed two International Grand Masters, 14 International Masters and six FIDE Masters.
The results of the martial arts division are equally spectacular. Since 2005, our sports obtained tens of gold and silver medals to the national and international championships in which they participate, most of our sports being world champions or vice-champions.
The martial arts division of Agora Sport Club participated in many national and international competitions, obtaining numerous medals, for example:
- la Campionatul naţional de karate tradiţional (Bucureşti 5–7 aprilie 2006) sportivii UASC au obţinut 3 titluri de campion naţional, 4 de vicecampion şi 5 medalii de bronz;
- la Campionatul european de karate tradiţional (2-4 iunie, 2007, Polonia): o medalie de bronz şi un loc IV.
- At Traditional Karate National Championship (Bucharest 5-7 April 2006) UASC’s sports obtained 3 titles of national champion, 4 of vice-champion and 5 bronze medals;
- At Traditional Karate European Championship (2 – 4 June, 2007, Poland): a bronze medal and a IVth place.
In 2010, Agora Sport Club has been enriched with the badminton division, within 26 sports are registered which represent successfully the club’s emblem in national and international competitions.
Monitoring and evaluation of these services are carried out by the coordinators of the sport club’s divisions, and of the artistic group.