Jumătatea ta |
Elevii de la Şcoala Gimnazială Internaţională Agora au sărbătorit vineri, 13 februarie 2015, Ziua Sfântului Valentin, patronul îndrăgostiţilor.
După ce au aflat informaţii despre originea acestei sărbători celebrată în toată lumea, iar, de câţiva ani, şi în România, elevii au realizat felicitări în care au lăsat mesaje de iubire, recunoştinţă sau prietenie celor dragi lor.
Elevii au participat şi la un concurs intitulat „Jumătatea ta“, în care au avut de descoperit jumătatea unui cuplu celebru de îndrăgostiţi, personaje din lumea reală, din istorie, şi chiar şi din filme de animaţie, de la Bill Clinton şi Hillary Clinton, Cleopatra şi Cezar, la Mickey şi Minnie Mouse sau Daisy şi Donald Duck.
La sfârşitul activităţii, elevii au avut parte de distracţie, participând la un bal al prieteniei.
Veţi avea ocazia să citiţi povestea Sfântului Valentin în rândurile de mai jos.
„Valentine’s Day started in the time of Roman Empire, in the third century, during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius wanted to have a big army, but many men refused to join it as they did not want to leave their wives and families. This made Claudius furious. He was sure that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So, Claudius decided to interdict marriages by law.
However, a priest called Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies secretly. Claudius found out and he ordered Valentine’s death. While in prison, before being executed, Valentine received a lot of flowers and notes from the couples he had married and from many other young people, telling him that they believed in love and thanking him for his sacrifice. While in prison, guard’s daughter received her father’s permission to visit him in his cell. They would sit and talk for hours. Before he died, he left her a little note thanking her for her friendship. He signed it „LOVE FROM YOUR VALENTINE”. And this is how the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine’s Day started. They say Valentine died on February 14th 269 AD and became the patron of lovers, and February 14th became the date when people think about love and friendship and exchange love messages, poems, flowers and candies. Valentine’s Day was imported to North America in the 19th century by British settlers.
In the second half of the 20th century, the practice of giving gifts along with paper-laced cards became popular. Some people do not sign their cards because they want their names to be a secret. Instead of using their names, they sign themselves „FROM YOUR VALENTINE”.
Profesori coordonatori: AGAPE MARIA, MIERE CRINA