Cu toate că s-ar crede că termenul și conceptul de toleranță este unul aparținând lumii moderne, acesta își are de fapt originea în lumea Romei antice unde era utilizat pentru a semnifica respectul față de ceilalți semeni. Toleranța este o necesitate vădită a zilelor noastre având implicații de la lumea jocurilor din grădiniță până la disputele dintre marile puteri. Școala Gimnazială Internațională Agora, în colaborare cu Centrul Europe Direct Oradea, a sărbătorit joi, 16 noiembrie 2017, Ziua Internațională a Toleranței printr-o manifestare inedită, plină de culoare și … poezie. În începerea activității, cele două profesoare coordonatoare ale proiectului, Crina Miere și Diana Balaj au prezentat PowerPoint-ul cu titlul „Toleranța -fundația unei lumi mai bune”. Au fost date definiții ale toleranței, au fost purtate discuții despre toleranță și a fost evidențiată activitatea unor personalități care au dat dovadă de toleranță, cum ar fi: Maica Tereza, Prințesa Diana, Mahatma Gandhi și Martin Luther King Jr. Poate cel mai bun mijloc de a preveni intoleranța este educația, unul dintre drepturile omului. Elevii au fost încântați să afle că au drepturi, dar și obligații. Poeziile compuse de doamna profesoară Crina Miere, unice și originale, pline de savoare și umor, evidențiind cu pertinență trăsăturile fiecărui copil au fost poate cel mai bun îndemn la toleranță. (Prof. Daniela Drugaș) Lăsăm versurile să vorbească de la sine Alex was a little boy, When I gave him the first toy. He always liked to feel the joy. He is happy and frustrated. But he can be dedicated To the things I have related. (ALESSANDRO RICCIO) Franci is a cuddle bear. He has something to declare: „I always smile and jump around Because I can feel the mound”. (FRANCESCO RICCIO) Julie is the smoothiest girl She’s as beauty asthe smart is. You don’t really know , at all But she really has a goal. (IULIA POPA) Daniel, the shiest boy, Plays all day with little Troy. Trying astonishing all With his really magic ball. (DANIEL PLUGAR) She is happy, stands aside But she doesn’t like to glide. She’s hilarious and ambitious Ans she is sometimes suspicious. (AMALIA SOCACIU) He knows smiling, He is charming. And ironic he becomes When somebody is a dunce. (JULIAN KOFLER) He is placid and acidic. But he has to try the mimic. Flinthy language he can use. But he knows.We don’t abuse. (QUIM GRAU ROSU) Peeping is his strongest weapon. What is here?What is there? I want to be everywhere! Don’t do this and don’t do that! Without asking your DAD. (ALEX JOLDOS) I am posh and I am smart. I could be a grumpy cat. The contempt?-it is a word! Stop, please! I don’t want to be ignored! (BULZAN SEBASTIAN) EAGER-could be this a name? WORKAHOLIC is his friend. BRAVE another word of all. I am really special. (STEFAN TIPLEA) I am told, I am bold. Itchy is the only word. That is written on my sword In this little funny world. (RAUL BUT) Cheerful!The glass is full! Selfish-word is really fool. I am happy and discreet, And I can keep any secret. (STEFAN SOCACIU) I am very sensitive And if you don’t believe Come to me on Christmas’ Eve And you will see what I give To the people I forgive. (ANGELO DEAN FLYNN) I can be a friendly boy If you give me just a toy. Trustworthy, another word It is written in my PASSWORD. (MAGUI ARTEMIU) He is calm, he’s like a bat He gives you only a pat. To awake you from the dreams And become a boy with wings. (KARABULUT MUHAMMED) He is shrewd. And tames the shrew. In a way you can not do. Even if you overdo……. (BUNGAU VLAD) He’s a melancholic one, Sometimes says that this is fun! Holding in hands just a bun. And eating it with a hun. (ALEX TOPOLICEANU) Even if I am confused I can simply be amused About the things that I used Because I don’t like to refuse. (SUCIU RAZVAN) He is like a squirrel! Hiding behind the black wall. The computer is its name. You don’t have to do the same! (KARABULUT ABDURRRAHMAN) She is pretty, she is nice. She can often throw the dice Among the eleven mice. And eat cheese with brown rice. (BULZAN DARIA) She could be the harshest teacher But she brings the harvest feature. She adores all what is creature. `Cause she is our school picture. (TEACHER CRINA MIERE)